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Related study materials proved that to pass the SAP C-SAC-2421 exam certification is very difficult. But do not be afraid, ExamsReviews have many IT experts who have plentiful experience. After years of hard work they have created the most advanced SAP C-SAC-2421 Exam Training materials. ExamsReviews have the best resource provided for you to pass the exam. Does not require much effort, you can get a high score. Choose the ExamsReviews's SAP C-SAC-2421 exam training materials for your exam is very helpful.

SAP C-SAC-2421 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic 1
  • Story Design: This section of the exam measures the skills of SAP Analytics Cloud Data Analysts and covers various aspects of story design in SAP Analytics Cloud. The exam assesses the knowledge of candidates who should be able to create effective and visually appealing stories to present data insights. This includes understanding different chart types, layout options, and interactive elements to enhance data visualization and user engagement.
Topic 2
  • Performance, troubleshooting, and security management: This domain covers critical aspects of maintaining and optimizing SAP Analytics Cloud environments. It assesses SAP Analytics Cloud Data Analysts' abilities in performance tuning, troubleshooting common issues, and implementing security measures.
Topic 3
  • Planning: SAP Analytics Cloud Data Analysts are expected to demonstrate proficiency in planning within the SAP Analytics Cloud environment. The exam evaluates the ability to create and manage planning models, including setting up dimensions, accounts, and versions. Candidates should be familiar with creating planning input forms and implementing planning processes.
Topic 4
  • Data modeling, analysis, and integration: This section focuses on the core analytical capabilities of SAP Analytics Cloud. SAP Analytics Cloud Data Analysts should demonstrate proficiency in creating and managing data models, performing advanced analysis, and integrating data from various sources. The exam assesses skills in creating calculated measures, applying filters, and using advanced analytical functions.
Topic 5
  • Connections and data preparation: This domain covers the essential skills of connecting to data sources and preparing data for analysis. SAP Analytics Cloud Data Analysts are expected to show competence in establishing connections to various data sources, including on-premise and cloud-based systems.

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C-SAC-2421 Exam Prep and C-SAC-2421 Test Dumps - C-SAC-2421 Exam Question - ExamsReviews

In this cut-throat competitive world of SAP, the SAP C-SAC-2421 certification is the most desired one. But what creates an obstacle in the way of the aspirants of the SAP C-SAC-2421 certificate is their failure to find up-to-date, unique, and reliable SAP Certified Associate - Data Analyst - SAP Analytics Cloud (C-SAC-2421) practice material to succeed in passing the SAP C-SAC-2421 Certification Exam. If you are one of such frustrated candidates, don't get panic. ExamsReviews declares its services in providing the real C-SAC-2421 PDF Questions. It ensures that you would qualify for the SAP Certified Associate - Data Analyst - SAP Analytics Cloud (C-SAC-2421) certification exam on the maiden strive with brilliant grades.

SAP Certified Associate - Data Analyst - SAP Analytics Cloud Sample Questions (Q40-Q45):

The SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) modeler has removed the first three characters from an SAP Analytics Cloud public dimension imported from a source system. What is impacted by this change?

  • A. Public datasets
  • B. Stories
  • C. Source system
  • D. Embedded data sets

Answer: B

When the SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) modeler removes the first three characters from a public dimension imported from a source system, this change impacts Stories that use this dimension. Specifically, any visualizations, calculations, or filters within those stories that rely on the original dimension values may need to be adjusted to account for the change. This modification does not affect the source system or public datasets directly, but it can impact how the data appears and behaves in stories that use the modified dimension.
SAP Analytics Cloud Help Documentation: Modifying Dimensions
SAP Analytics Cloud User Guide: Impact of Dimension Changes on Stories

How can you limit the refresh time of a story?

  • A. Collapse the hierarchy
  • B. Create calculated measures
  • C. Implement a value driver tree
  • D. Use canvas pages

Answer: A

Collapsing the hierarchy in a story can help limit the refresh time, as it reduces the amount of data that needs to be processed and displayed at any given time. By presenting data at a higher aggregation level initially, you can improve performance and allow users to expand specific sections of the hierarchy as needed for more detailed analysis.
SAP Analytics Cloud Help Documentation: Improving Story Performance
SAP Analytics Cloud User Guide: Managing Data Hierarchy for Performance

What can you do to reduce the data refresh time when opening a story? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Avaid tables with more than 500 rows and 60 columns
  • B. Load widgets in the background
  • C. Avaid prompts
  • D. Use conditional formatting
  • E. Use responsive pages

Answer: A,B,D

You have a dataset that extracts data from an SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) system. The data in the SAP BW system changes. How can you update the dataset?

  • A. You must refresh the story that uses the dataset.
  • B. You must manually reimport the data.
  • C. You can schedule the dataset to update on a regular basis.
  • D. You must create a new dataset.

Answer: C

For datasets that extract data from external systems like SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW), SAP Analytics Cloud provides the capability to schedule updates on a regular basis. This feature ensures that the dataset within SAP Analytics Cloud remains up-to-date with the latest changes from the SAP BW system, without the need for manual reimport or creating a new dataset. Scheduled updates can be configured to run at specific intervals, automating the data refresh process.
SAP Analytics Cloud Help Documentation: Scheduling Data Refresh
SAP Analytics Cloud User Guide: Automating Dataset Updates from External Sources

Which calculation types include dynamic date options? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this Question.

  • A. Aggregation
  • B. Difference From
  • C. Date Difference
  • D. Restricted Measure

Answer: B,D


After passing the SAP Certified Associate - Data Analyst - SAP Analytics Cloud certification exam the successful candidates can gain several personal and professional benefits. Are you ready to gain all these personal and professional benefits? Are you looking for a simple and smart way for fast C-SAC-2421 exam preparation? If your answer is yes then you do not need to worry about it. You just need to visit ExamsReviews and explore the top features of ExamsReviews C-SAC-2421 Dumps Questions. We guarantee you that with the ExamsReviews C-SAC-2421 exam questions, you will get everything that you need for fast and successful C-SAC-2421 exam preparation.

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